Friday, October 12, 2007

Just Another Reason I Love Costco!

Dear friends,

Mr. Cropper, Blaine and I were at Costco this afternoon picking up some huggies, ornamental gourds, and what-not, and--as always--I had to scan the book aisle. I almost had a heart attack when I saw a bunch of Robert Sabuda (don't remember him? click here) greaties for $15! That's right, $15!! That is about 1/2 of the typical price! So if you have a Costco near you, go see if they've got some Sabuda in stock. You cannot get a better deal than that! You could buy it now and stash it in your closet for a Christmas gift. Also, as a side note, they had The Dangerous Book for Boys at our Costco as well, also at a fabulous price. Just had to share the great news!

P.S. Don't forget to scroll down and read up on the newest Book Club choice--Stargirl. And let me know when you want to discuss it. Have a great weekend!


Vicky said...

Do you recall for how much Costco was selling "The Dangerous Book for Boys?" I want to get it for Paul for Christmas and I'm just price comparing.

Mrs. Cropper said...

Ooh, Vicky, I don't remember exactly. But I got mine from Amazon, and I remember thinking it was comparable.